Inquiry update – Lord Brailsford

Lord Brailsford, Chair of the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry, has very recently been diagnosed with a kidney tumour. He is continuing to work and is expected to make a full recovery following surgery.

Under the Inquiries Act 2005, public hearings cannot be held without the Chair present, either in person or remotely. This means the timing of the Inquiry’s next tranche of health and social care impact hearings will depend on when the surgery takes place and Lord Brailsford’s recovery period. Core participants have been informed and the Inquiry will provide a scheduling update for these hearings as soon as it can.

Public inquiries are not only about public hearings, however, and the Inquiry’s other work will continue as planned. The Inquiry is continuing its investigations and will shortly publish academic research and embark on the focused engagement period of its listening project, Let’s Be Heard. In addition, Lord Brailsford will be reviewing applications for core participant status from those with an interest in the Inquiry’s Term of Reference 2(k), education and certification, and the Inquiry’s legal team will continue to gather and analyse evidence.

The Inquiry regrets any inconvenience the postponement of hearings may cause to witnesses, core participants and other interested parties but trusts they understand and will join us in extending our best wishes to Lord Brailsford for a full and speedy recovery.