Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults

Sometimes Inquiry staff may be in contact with children, young people and adults who are at risk of harm. This includes through our listening project, Let’s Be Heard

If you tell us something that makes us worried about your safety, we might need to tell someone else what you have told us.  

For example, we might have to tell: 

  1. The Police. We may contact the police if we believe you are in danger, if we believe you are at risk of harm or if you tell us a crime has been committed. 
  2. Social and healthcare service. We may contact social care services or a healthcare professional if we are concerned about your wellbeing. 

We will usually tell you first if we are going to do this. However, if we feel that you are at risk of serious harm, we may need to share the information without telling you first. If what you have told us concerns children and we are concerned they are at risk of harm, we will always tell the Police or social work.  

We take your confidentiality very seriously and will only consider speaking to someone else if we are really worried about what you have told us.